11 September 2009

Government sentimentality

I protested against the Iraq war in Glasgow because I hate the pain and the fear and blood that I knew would come with it; it sickens me! But all this posturing sickens me further.

I'm so sick of the platitudes voiced by the media and our weak government that I worry that I'm turning into a right wing, highly opinionated, weirdy-beardy geezer.

Are people really shocked that the CIA torture people? Have we run out news? Perhaps people will next complain that the army kill people! Really, how are they going to get answers out of prisoners? Play the enemy limp bizkit until they bleed from the eyes? Ahh but see, they're the not the 'enemy' because this isn't a war - they're evil criminals who are facing justice. Oh pleeeeese.

On the subject of evil criminal prisoners: if people are worried about terrorism, why are they upset about the more peaceful relationship we can have with Libya, now that Megrahi has been transfered? Surely with peace, the threat they pose to us is diminished.

Of course, lots of MPs and the US also are making a big stink - hang on a minute - these people are so upset, they would rather irritate a developed foreign power, than transfer a man from a jail here to a jail there. This is the sort of idiocy which leads to war. Of course, it's okay if you're the US 'cus you can just bomb them again if you get really pissed off.

In this case, those who hold the moral high-ground and are not prepared to compromise are the dangerous ones. Don't they realize the other side think that they have the high-ground too? Will they instead fight over that ethereal hillock?

Since we're talking about hypocrisy and deliberately aggravating other nations, western policy on Iran needs a mention. In fact, I'd say it takes the biscuit. Now I really don't like the stuff their regime does. But why, when you consider other weird/aggressive countries (I'm looking at you, China, Russia, Pakistan and the good ol' U. S. of A. ) do we have such a strong stance against Iran? Why do we try to interfere with their nuclear program and lay sanctions against them and not China?

It's because they're weak. Our leaders want them to stay weak so they do not threaten us. It's the truth, but it's the scary truth no-one is ready for, and no-one wants to admit.

Who're the nasty scary countries again?

The question is: Why do these powerful men who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan shy away from the war and bloodshed and pain, and hide behind a false chivalry? Have they learned nothing from Caesar and Ghengis Khan? Khan achieved not great moral victories but lasting prosperity and safety for his people!

Also, to perform this false crusade they had to lie to their own people - about having a moral right to fight against some 'axis of evil'. I think some of the people who are now upset bit the doctrine a little hard, and did not fully comprehend the consequences of a war. To these people I recommend spending some time looking at bombs, bullets and their local hospital's casualty ward.

And about the possibility of Cameron being in charge of the next righteous crusade - now this is subjective - however well he might run things, I wouldn't trust him standing next to me with a pistol in his pocket. He's just some geezer - the sort of people I trust with guns are military types who know what they're for and understand their safe operation and maintenance.

Did you know the UK has no launch codes for its nuclear weapons? The submarine captains are in absolute control over world destruction - but no one is worried. It seems that warriors can be trusted to keep the peace - while politicians arguing amongst themselves spread deceit and death.

Have a swell day!

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