27 July 2010

Obelisk syntax

I decided to change Obelisk's syntax.

For example, to define a function, you used to do (still the case on the online repository):

// An accumulating implementation of the factorial function. Tail recursive.
((Int -> Int) #
def factorial x
   ((fact 1 x))
   ((Int -> Int -> Int #
   def fact acc i
      ((if (i > 0)
         ((fact (i * acc) (i - 1)))

That was okay because the syntax is unambiguous and was not affected by whitespace.

However, I thought it would make it clearer whether what you were looking at is a function application or a code block if it were to use curly braces.

This was especially a problem with where clauses! Multiple closing parenthesis are very ugly.

So the above function will now be written as:

// An accumulating implementation of the factorial function. Tail recursive.
(Int -> Int) #
def factorial x
   (fact 1 x)
   (Int -> Int -> Int) #
   def fact acc i
      if (i > 0)
         // Recurse
         {(fact (i * acc) (i - 1))}
         // We've recursed enough.  Return.

It looks much tidier, and still doesn't care about whitespace, which is great.

Edit: I'm still not so happy with it. The if statement looks ugly. Perhaps ruby style do and end would look nicer.

Edit2: Fixed it, removed need for functional application parenthesis around if expression.

1 comment:

  1. Aye, but I only just realized how fucking massive these fonts are. Jeebus!
