7 January 2011

selfmodifier.org, take 2

Since we're going to use redmine, for technical documentation and all projects - assuming that works well (it might not crash until week 3...) - we don't need such a complex site as I thought. However we're still going to need a simple site that:

  • Hosts static material: disclaimers, legal things, our mission!

  • Publish a news stream - are there currently any technical faults with the site?

  • Donate/shop, the second if we create anything legit enough to sell.

  • Other things?


  1. Did my comment not get posted once again? Maybe my comments are too long or something. This is rather irritating. It showed it posted, it said the comment was saved... Grr, I will type it up again then, probably in an hour or two. If for some reason I'm hallucinating and you were actually able to read my reply from yesterday, then let me know spoon.

  2. Sorry, I didn't see your comment. I await it with rapt anticipation! :)

    Thinking about it: perhaps the mission should on redmine, since it's a community thing.

  3. Well I sent an email, I figured with my current.. technical troubles that would be the safest bet :)

  4. @Ellume: that's why i always write my comments in a text editor, so that if the interwebz reject it, i don't lose it forever.

  5. @Ellume sorry, just discovered my email had been broken. I haven't received it. Technical troubles all round!
