9 June 2010

Transcribed some Silly Wizards banter

Andy Stewart: "Thanks very much indeed. Och well, you're not as tough as you thought!

I'm gonna sing you a maybe a different kind of a song. It's not really a love song as such, maybe it is, I dunno."

John Cunningham: "It's kinda, it's like a lust song."

Andy Stewart: "That was Johnny Cunningham there. You'll eh... you'll hear a lot more of him before the night is out, no doubt.

The song we're gonna sing you right now is, eh, a song from the North of Ireland, and it tells the story about how a young girl decides one day she's gonna go out on a nice, well, one evening infact, she's gonna go out on a nice summers evening and take a walk, down beside the river Bann.

And um, the first time I heard this song, I thought to myself: now, if this woman has heard any of the other five hundred songs that are all called 'The Banks of the Bann', and she's still going down there, then she's out of her mind, because there's always some young cad there. You know sorta cutting around and there's always a bit of misbehaviour (well, quite a lot of misbehaviour actually) and tears and recriminations and maybe a kid involved somewhere or...

It's an age old story but distressing nonetheless. You know, that's how all these songs tend to go and I just couldn't help thinking: there's tonnes of space, you can go anywhere you... you don't have to go down there. It's just not worth it."

Transcribed from the video: Silly Wizards Live - Willie Archer and the Banks of the Bann

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