21 January 2010

approach anxiety lolz

Maybe it's because I hate women, or, maybe 'cus I hate men. Perhaps it's because I hate everyone. You disgust me, you pathetic worms. But for some reason I find this blog, an inspirational guide for meeting women extremely funny.

Here's a memorable quote:

"Based on that, I could ask myself what does the fact that she likes yoga say about her as a person?... She likes to feel good physically. (I like this because it could be sexual)"

But what's interesting is that he sells coaching and workshops so people can learn to speak to women at random in public. I really don't need to comment on why this is funny, surely. Here's a testament to his business, from the horse's mouth:

"Now he can progress where it’s most important. He can get out every day and meet new women. Everything else is secondary."

Maybe it's because he learned from the best; from "Cory Sky (the guy who picks up women with eye contact alone)"

Now some of you may think I'm not taking his business very seriously; but not Mr Disco; who works hard at his game: "Wow, I don’t feel like doing this. I feel like staying in. But I head out to meet women anyway."

Perhaps the real reason I find this funny is because well, it just seems one step off flashing your cock at people in public; but all you're doing is approaching them and asking them out. But why do I feel that way?

It's another thing I blame the strict church in this part of the world for; all the kids gathered at School praising the Lord. And now I'm an athiest, I still can't get a boner for anyone... so worried I am that they're going to rob or kill me, or worse, I to do that to them.

Then again, maybe it's because the only time I really tried doing that sort of thing was in Aberdeen pubs, where all the women actually do carry chainsaws and bibles.

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