3 January 2011

gory website

EDIT: I have decided these ideas are not great - it just sounds so unscientific, which is exactly what people are complaining about. See the next entry for new ideas.

So I've decided to go ahead and make a website to host instructions for sensory augmentation. It will have several caveats, designed to minimize the site's involvement with Her Majesty's servants:

  • It shall be clearly stated that the instructions on the site are not safe, and are not condoned by medical professionals nor anyone else. Readers should not attempt to execute the instructions. The instructions are only intended to provoke thought about the limits of human sensory perception or abilities.

  • Users shall not be able to comment nor vote upon the instructions. Allowing this would imply that the site approves of some instructions.

  • Articles shall only be submitted by registered members.

  • Registered members retain copyright of the instructions. They shall license them to the users themselves: no instructions shall be the intellectual property of the site.

  • The site reserves the right to remove content and suspend services at any time.

EDIT: this all looks a bit strict. Perhaps I better revise my ideas? After all, some people just post pictures of themselves chopping their own balls off online.

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