7 January 2011

selfmodifier.org is up

selfmodifier.org is up!

Unfortunately, due to a limitation of redmine, you cannot create projects when you first sign in.

Email admin@selfmodifier.org if you have any problems.

Also, if anyone doesn't like my message in the front page then please suggest improvements.

Apologies to anyone who tried to email me in the last two days: it's been rather out of order, what with setting everything up.


  1. Goodjob with getting something up!

    My previous comment went something the follow, although this may be somewhat abridged:

    I understand your passion to get the site up and running, but this is a long term project so take your time setting it up and do a good job. Many people appreciate your efforts, and once the site is up countless more will appreciate it.

    I like the idea of keeping things simple off the start. Meet the basic needs of the community now. The website can be developed and changed slowly over time. In fact you will likely have a better idea of what will work and what is needed after the site is up and running.

    So what are the basic needs of the community?
    - Show goals and intentions
    - Post and look up information
    - Visitors and community being able to publicly ask questions and receive replies

    I see the last as pretty key as if people can't ask questions on the site, then Lepht will still have a flood of emails directed at her.

    Also you may consider a basic open source forum? I know most communities have one, and it would meet most of the basic needs. A few options can be found (removed link in the hope this comment won't get filtered. just google open source forum)

    Also I'm willing to help. I have some website experience, although it sounds like you may have more. I could proof and test stuff, otherwise just share my thoughts on things. My main limiting factor is time available, but I'm sure I can work this in.

  2. Well I posted a couple more times on here to no avail. I have the comment saved as a text file however, so its all good. I suspect the problem is with the spam filter. If you go look at your blog spam, you may notice a pile of messages from me. Now to hope this one will get through.

  3. Interesting. Well I've come back to check if my last message made it up and find that the one before did. Excellent.

  4. It seems not to be working, I just recieve the 500 internal server error?

  5. Well it was up 13 days ago, but since it was discovered that redmine is not what we need. I have written another website that should go online today.
